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I hope you found this blog interesting!
If you just read this, I hope you found it interesting. If not, I'm sorry to have wasted your time.
I mean that sincerely, because it can be hard for some people to understand the importance of reading informational articles when so much entertainment is available on the internet. Truthfully, I don't know if people are always aware of how many things they miss out on by skimming social media or watching short videos on YouTube about shoes when they could be reading informative and factual content instead.
Somehow we've become a culture where people want everything handed to them in bite-sized pieces and without any effort on their own part.
I refuse to cater to that.
Image source: https://www.newbalance.com/
There's so much I want people to know, and I want them to be able to defend themselves against things they might not even realize are happening. So I keep writing these articles, in spite of how much effort they require on my part.
This is an ongoing series and I plan on continuing it indefinitely as long as it remains relevant. I hope you stay tuned! </Article background information>
About the author: Kita Haddock is a writer and researcher who runs her own website at kitasblueeyedgirl.com where she shares information about many paranormal and conspiracy topics, like "abductions," "alien races," "secret space programs," "conspiracy theories" and even the dangers of fluoride.
She was inspired to write this series of articles in response to the continuous harassment she has received from some individuals who accuse her of believing in conspiracies such as the government/military hiding underground bases, secret space programs or even abductions.
Kita has been writing about conspiracies since 2011 and she has gathered a huge amount of research material, both on her website and on her personal Facebook page that is private groups only: Kita Haddock Research Group.
Her main sources are a wide range of documents, books and videos that she watches (and sometimes re-watches) whenever possible or when she finds something interesting.
As the years go on, the number of conspiracies she has found has grown steadily and her research material is constantly expanding. She is constantly adding new information to her ever-growing library and it can be a struggle to keep up every now and then!
Image source: https://www.amazon.in/
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© Kita Haddock 2017. All images, videos and content of this website are owned by Kita Haddock, unless otherwise stated. If you wish to use this material with proper credit, please link back to this website as the source of the material and do not directly copy my work in any form (whether in part or full page) without contacting me first for permission. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at kitahaddock11@gmail.com
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